Parker B. Poe Theater

81 Academy Hill Road, Newcastle, ME

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From the North - Route 1
Exit left onto Business Rte 1, into Damariscotta. About one half mile after McDonalds and Hannaford on your left, is downtown Damariscotta. Continue through town, then over the small bridge which connects Damariscotta to Newcastle.  Cross straight through the next intersection, traveling up Academy Hill Road.  After the railroad tracks, the road takes a right around a large red building, which is the Parker B. Poe Theater.  Parking at the theater is beyond the building on the right and in the school parking lot up the hill, on the left. (Handicap spaces and marked entrance are available just as you round the building.)  Entrance to the theater is through the double doors under the portico, seen when first approaching the theater.  This theater is equipped with a handicap accessible restroom.

From the South - Route 1

Exit right onto Business Rte 1. Proceed down the ramp, to the blinking red light. At this light, take the immediate left onto Academy Hill Road. After the railroad tracks, the road takes a very sharp right around a large red building, which is the Parker B. Poe Theater.  Parking at the theater is beyond the building on the right and in the school parking lot up the hill, on the left. (Handicap spaces and marked entrance are available just as you round the building.)  Entrance to the theater is through the double doors under the portico, seen when first approaching the theater.  This theater is equipped with a handicap accessible restroom.

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